In the best circumstances, dyslexia and dyspraxia is an opportunity to excel. Although not all dyslexics and dyspraxics are geniuses, many have unusually good visuo-spatial awareness, and can
demonstrate wide knowledge of a subject - physics, geography or architecture, for example - with large-scale diagrams and extended captions (mindmaps).
Many of the people on the picture had difficulties in early schooling. Most of them found schoolwork, which entailed high verbal skills (especially reading, and writing), particularly difficult. Many were considered slow learners when young. However, many thought in pictures and utilised their highly visual mode to advantage.
Dyslexic and dyspraxic learners often have inadequately developed language specialisations in the left hemisphere, they often rely more on right hemisphere functioning. They therefore develop a preferred learning style which reflects this processing bias, favouring a holistic and visual-spatial approach rather than one which is sequential, temporal and language based.